Country: United Republic of Tanzania
Registration deadline: 19 Sep 2019
Starting date: 23 Sep 2019
Ending date: 27 Sep 2019
Course Objectives:
Through practical cases and exercises, you will gain a critical understanding of the ways in which public policy, development options and political realities interact at the global, regional, national, and local levels. You will appreciate how political and corporate pressures limit policy choices in many countries, how policy choices, in turn, reshape local politics, and how policymakers function in the interplay of competing forces. You appreciate the role of policy analysis and budget scrutiny in shaping policy and development investment decisions, identify their potential for positive and negative impacts. You will appreciate the entry points and acquire new practical knowledge and tools for creative advocacy and aimed at policy influencing and change at various levels of policymaking and development choices in your own context.
Course Content:
What you will learn – the key topics
- Introduction to public policy and governance – principles and practices
- Women rights and gender-responsive public service delivery
- Introduction to policy research, analysis, and advocacy
- Political economy and the role of neoliberalism
- National development priorities and the global development agenda
- Linking Policy Pronouncements to Financial Commitments
- Rights-based Social Accountability for Public Sector Improvement: Tools, Processes and Inspirational Practices
- Networking and lobbying for influencing policy change
- Stakeholder mapping and action for policy change
Target Group:
This course is designed for governance and development policy practitioners in governmental, and non-governmental organizations and the media
How to register:
How to sign up
To sign up for this course please click this Online form
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Sign up at least one month before the programcommences *and get your 10% discount.*
Sponsor 6 people to enroll in one program and getfree tuition covered for 1 person.
Contact Us
Telephone: +255 27 254 1044/6/8
Mobile: +255 754 651 715