Country: United Republic of Tanzania
Registration deadline: 27 Nov 2019
Starting date: 02 Dec 2019
Ending date: 06 Dec 2019
Course Objectives:
Inspired by the sustainable development goals - commonly known as global agenda 2030, this one week course introduces participants to data for development, global data pressure and local statistics capacity to march current and emerging trends - tools, methods and practices in development measurements.
Course Content:
- Introduction to Sustainable Development and social change
- Economic, social and environmental dimensions to sustainable development
- How the global development agenda interacts with national development priorities
- Domestic political context and its effects on international cooperation
- The nature of social change, causal effects and how to measure them
- Methods and indicators for monitoring and measuring sustainable development
- The complexity of methods and tools in local and global statistical approaches
- Data for development, global data pressure and local statistics capacity
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the training, you will learn the various synergies and constraints associated with the Sustainable Development Agenda and all its social-economic facets. You will interact with and critically examine the current global indicators, tools, methods and practices for monitoring and measuring progress on development such as the human development index, and better appreciate the challenges and complexity of developing local development indicators using diverse global approaches in trying to measure poverty, gender equity and equality, adequacy and access to social services.
How to register:
To apply for this program please click this Online Form
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