Organization: Cash Learning Partnership
Registration deadline: 07 Feb 2016
Starting date: 07 Mar 2016
Ending date: 11 Mar 2016
CaLP is planning to conduct a Level 2 training in Toronto from the 7th of March to 11th of March, 2016.
The objective of the Level 2 training is to build the capacity of humanitarian actors in cash transfer program (CTP) design and implementation skills, to share recent research and learning and encourage advocacy, institutionalization and coordination in CTP.
The training aims to enable practitioners involved in humanitarian responses (inclusive of slow onset emergencies, immediate relief operations, and early recovery phases), to have:
- A more in-depth understanding of cash and voucher transfer programs.
- Improved capacity to evaluate the appropriateness of CTP compared to other response mechanisms.
- The ability to improve the effectiveness of CTP though improved skills on design, implementation coordination, monitoring and evaluation.
- An insight on how to work with different types of CTP in a range of contexts and sectors.
- Greater skills and confidence to manage CTP throughout the project cycle.
- The confidence to determine transfer types, amounts, and payment methods.
- The ability to anticipate and mitigate potential CTP bottlenecks.
- Basic advocacy messages for CTP in appropriate contexts.
- An understanding of the basics of coordination and humanitarian standards that relate to CTP.
Fees for this training are the following: Local NGO 390 $ INGO's $650
How to register:
To participate in the training kindly fill in the form below:
For more information please contact Blake Stabler CaLP North America Capacity Building Officer