Organization: ActionAid
Registration deadline: 09 Sep 2016
Starting date: 10 Oct 2016
Ending date: 11 Oct 2019
MS-TCDC - MS Training Centre for Development Cooperation
Bachelor of Arts in Non Profit Studies
Come and become a professional in the non profit sector by taking a Bachelor of Arts in Non Profit Studies, which provides you with a cutting edge knowledge, skills and competencies highly relevant for leading professions in the sector. The non profit sector is a major contributor to social, economic and political development globally. It mediates between government and private business to ensure enjoyment of rights by citizens. It mobilizes resources, recovers costs and re-invests back surplus to communities. The sector is growing and consists of NGOs, Cooperatives, Foundations/Trusts, Trade Unions, Women Groups, Youth Groups, Self Help Groups, Think Tanks and more.
A degree in Non Profit Studies, provides graduates with skills to function as: Fundraiser, Grant officer, Project Manager, Development Advisor; Monitoring and Evaluation Officer; Education Coordinator, Community animator/development worker, Human Resource Manager, institutional development advisor; humanitarian officer; Business developer, social entrepreneur; development trainer; Local and International development coordinator, volunteer manager etc.
About the Program
The activities of non profit sector cut across all other sectors of Society. The sector is more important especially in developing countries of Africa where development facilitation needs are more and growing. The non profit sector serves more than 600,000 million people in Africa. It also employs more than 1million people. The high level of growth in the sector means there is an increasing demand for creative and competent leadership and management to effectively steer the growth and sustainability of the sector.
The three years degree course is a natural progression for practitioners with various diplomas and high school graduates who would want to take a specialized degree in non profit studies and development. The full honours degree, allow students to access enrolment into a Master’s program of their choice.
Objectives of the BA in Non Profit Studies
The main objective of this multi- disciplinary, competence based curriculum is to prepare undergraduates who will work flexibly at different workplaces in leadership and management functions of non profit organizations. The specific learning objectives include to:
- Apply principles of leadership and management, ethics, values and integrity, volunteerism, and aid and development to manage non profit organizations
- Employ principles of managing international Non-governmental organizations, business modelling, human resource management, organizational development in leadership and management of non profit organization functions
- Apply principles of financial management, supply chain management, social entrepreneurship and programming and project planning in non profit sector activities
- Employ principles of results based management, project implementation, policy advocacy and lobbying and gender mainstreaming in performing non profit organizations’ functions
- Apply techniques of research and statistical methods, communication skills in English and economics theories in implementation of non- profit functions
- Apply principles of non profit organizations, poverty and inequality, community empowerment and outreach and political economy of development in performance of non-profit sector operations
Course Content
BA Non Profit Studies Level 7
• Communication Skills in English
• Concepts and Principles of Non-Profit Organizations
• Aid and Development
• Economic Theory of Non Profits
• Principles and Approaches to Volunteerism
• Principles in Non Profit Leadership and Management
• Financial Management in Non Profits
• Poverty and Inequality
• Political Economy of Development
• Organizational Development
• Community Development
• Business Modelling for Non Profits
• Research Methods
• Programming and Project Planning
• Gender Mainstreaming
• Human Resource Management
• Ethics, Values and Integrity
• Supply Chain Management
• Statistics for Development Research
• Social Entrepreneurship Skills
• Project Implementation
• Results-based Management
• International Non Governmental Organizations
• Policy Advocacy and Lobbying
BA Non Profit Studies Level 8
• Social Innovations in Non Profits
• Fund raising and Resource Mobilisation
• Disaster Preparedness and Management
• Legal and Regulatory Framework
• Strategic Leadership
• Environmental Governance
• Monitoring and Evaluation
• Knowledge Management
• Contemporary Issues in Non Profit Sector
• Global Power Dynamics
• Research Project
Target Group
This course is for adult practitioners in private, public and civil society organizations. It is intended for adults who have a relevant diploma and High School Graduates, who have qualified for university entry.
Entry Requirements
BA Level 7 requires ordinary diploma (NTA Level 6) or Form VI with at least two principle and a subsidiary pass. Other equivalent qualifications are acceptable from other African Regional member states, as long as they are approved by NACTE. BA level 8 requires one to be holder of NTA level 7. The programme allows one to exit at level 7.
Adult Learning
The BA program follows a modular approach which allows flexibility to adult learners and full time working professionals. The modality of course delivery is face-to-face facilitation for 6 weeks per semester at MS TCDC and additional coursework to completed in between facilitation. The MS TCDC methodology, emphasizes joint learning, knowledge sharing, investigative enquiry and problem solving.
Tuition fee per semester is US $ 560 only. BA NPS comprises 6 semesters.
Semester 1 (S1) intake 2016-2018:
10th October – 18th November 2016
How to register:
To apply for the course please visit our website and download the application form and submit to our programme administrator through or send to our general contacts.
The application fee is Tsh 10,000 payable through JKUAT Account No: 3300451426 KCB BANK; ACCOUNT NAME: JKUAT ARUSHA CAMPUS.
Filled application forms with application fees can be sent to Board of Postgraduate Studies, JKUAT, P.O.Box 62,000 – 00200 Nairobi, Kenya or to the programme administrator, P.O.Box 254 Arusha or by email, or call Tel.+255-27-2553837/8/9 or +255-754-651 715