Country: United Republic of Tanzania
Registration deadline: 10 Oct 2019
Starting date: 14 Oct 2019
Ending date: 01 Nov 2019
Duration: 3 Weeks
Course Objectives
The overall objective of this 3 weeks course is to equip participants with skills, knowledge and attitude necessary for effective and systematic monitoring and evaluation of development programs and projects.
Course Content
Week 1:
- Monitoring and Evaluation Concepts and Terms
- Results Based Monitoring and Evaluation
- Logframe as a Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation tool
- Hierarchy of Objectives (Impact, Outcomes and Outputs)
- Setting and Using Performance Indicators
- Assumptions and Risks Analysis
- An introduction to Outcome Mapping as an Approach to Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation
- Designing and Implementing M&E Plan
- Practical Monitoring Activity (field based)
Week 2:
- Evaluating programs/projects
- Results based Management Principles as applicable to M&E
- Outcome Mapping as an Approach to Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation
- Impact Assessment and Outcome Harvesting
- Results based Financing and Value for Money
- Designing Tools for Participatory M&E Data Collection
- Most Significant Change Technique
- Management Information Systems
- Qualitative Data Analysis
- M&E Data Collection, Analysis and Reporting (Field based)
Week 3:
Basic introduction to SPSS package
Questionnaire Coding and development of SPSS Coding Sheet (Variable view),
Data Entry and Data Cleaning
Basic Data Analysis using SPSS
Presentation of Data
Learning Outcome:
By the end of the training, participants will be able to:
- Describe what monitoring and evaluation entails
- Develop log frame using project case study
- Design and use performance indicators relevant for their case projects
- Identify risks and assumptions in their case projects
- Describe key features in outcome mapping as an approach to monitoring and evaluation
- Develop M&E plan for their own case projects
- Design monitoring tools and conduct a monitoring exercise (field based)
- Describe impact evaluation and design evaluation terms of reference of a case project
- Develop evaluation plan/framework and design evaluation tools by using evaluation terms of reference of a case project
- Design participatory M&E data collection tools
- Use most significant change technique in M&E
Appreciate MIS in programs/projects and organizations
Analyze qualitative data using a case study
Collect M&E data and write report on the same (practical based/field based).
Analyze quantitative data using SPSS package.
Target Group
People who work in Programming and programme quality, M&E and Accountability roles, and people who would like to improve their practical experience in M&E including people leading/supervising M&E processes and practices in their organization. Also for people implementing programs/projects and M&E Consultants
How to register:
To register for the program click:
Contact Info:
***For more information and further inquiries email us*:**